OpenX Proposal: Construction site permanent and temporary lane driving scenarios
Description: Add support for permanent and temporary construction site changes to the traffic system.
Project Type: Implementation
Detailed Background:
As of OpenDRIVE 1.8 and OpenSCENARIO 1.3 there is limited support for the simulation of driving through construction sites. The goal of this feature is to improve this to enable the following use-cases:
- Testing of ADAS/AD systems: State of the Art ADAS/AD systems work with a combination of stored map data (on-board or streamed from the cloud) as well as map data generated on the fly from the perception system. In some driving situations the stored map data may not contain the temporary construction site lanes as they have just been installed on the road surface. The perception system, however, must recognize the temporary lanes and the permanent / modifying lanes. Some tests of such systems typically require simulated map data to be fed into the two different interfaces for the stored as well as the perceived map information. Both interfaces shall be filled with data which is generated based on the ASAM OpenDRIVE road description. Therefore, we would like to be able to read both the permanent as well as the temporary lane data in the same way from the OpenDRIVE data.
- Quickly adding and removing a construction site in a simulation, either at simulation initialization time or potentially even during simulation runtime.
- Creating ASAM OpenSCENARIO scenarios with dangerous situations, e.g., where a simulation agent ignores the temporary lanes and drives on the permanent lanes and/or switches between temporary and permanent lanes creating a hazard for the system under test
Related issues:
see linked items below
- OpenSCENARIO XML simulation/openscenario/openscenario-xml#677
to be created
- ASAM OSI and
to be created
Affected Standards: OpenDRIVE, OpenSCENARIO XML, OpenSCENARIO DSL, OSI
Backwards Compatibility:
Feature shall be defined as backwards compatible as possible, for inclusion in minor releases of the affected standards. Where breaking changes are deemed necessary for the medium term, such proposals shall be developed separately, for future inclusion in major revisions.
Completion Criteria / Deliverables: All related issues have a defined solution harmonized across standards as PRs ready for integration.
Initiating Companies: CARIAD, PMSF,
ASAM Office Responsible (OR):
Assignee: Assign the project lead.
Estimated Start Date: Now
Estimated End Date: Due date
Budget Request:
Budget Use: