OpenX Proposal: Align definition of traffic participants across OpenX standards
Description: Implement harmonized traffic participant definitions.
Project Type: Implementation
Detailed Background:
As of now, all of the OpenX standards contain their own definition of traffic participants. None of these definitions are aligned, hampering a seamless usage of the standards in toolchains. As a result, proprietary mappings are required, e.g. to:
- generate OSI GroundTruth messages as an output of an OpenSCENARIO + OpenDRIVE simulation in an unambiguous way
- apply traffic signal semantics of OpenDRIVE in an unambiguous way on entities defined in OpenSCENARIO
The OSI harmonization group provided a deliverable about categorizing traffic participants already. We would like to incorporate these harmonized definitions in OpenDRIVE 1.9 for Signal semantics and access types and clean up the old types using the deprecation process if necessary. First changes (deprecation only) were already made to OSI 3.7.0, but alignment should take place in a future OSI version. OpenSCENARIO XML and OpenSCENARIO DSL shall be aligned as well.
Affected Standards: OpenDRIVE, OpenSCENARIO XML, OpenSCENARIO DSL, OSI
Backwards Compatibility:
Feature shall be defined as backwards compatible as possible, for inclusion in minor releases of the affected standards. Where breaking changes are deemed necessary for the medium term, such proposals shall be developed separately, for future inclusion in major revisions.
Completion Criteria / Deliverables: All related issues have a defined solution harmonized across standards as PRs ready for integration.
Initiating Companies: VECTOR, PMSF,
ASAM Office Responsible (OR):
Assignee: Assign the project lead.
Estimated Start Date: Now
Estimated End Date: Due date
Budget Request:
Budget Use: