Default orientation difference in RoadPosition vs. LanePosition
When defining the vehicle position on the road, sometimes the default orientation is ambiguous. If we have road where we have lanes with both driving directions, two interpretations are possible:
- Default vehicle orientation is determined by the driving direction as defined by road - on the entire road cross section. In this case vehicle is sometimes positioned in direction opposite to lane driving direction
- Default vehicle orientation is determined by the driving direction of the lane on which vehicle ends up being positioned.
Further separation can happen: a. Use option 1 or option 2 based on road position type (Using 1. for Road Position, 2. for Lane Position - esmini) b. Decide that the location where the vehicle ends up is more relevant for orientation decision.
This can be further complicated with lane offsets. Some discussion which can help here was done during OpenSCENARIO 1.3 (dS vs. new option dSLane).
[], [] Examples of the orientation issue
[] Elaboration of esmini
It should be agreed and clarified which interpretation is the standard one.