Meeting Minutes: 2025/03/07 OpenSCENARIO XML CCB Meeting
Location | Online |
Date | 07-03-2025 |
Time | 13:00-14:00 CET |
Note taker | @yash.shah |
Antitrust reminder
Every participant acknowledges that they know the content of the antitrust reminder: ASAM Antitrust Reminder
Present Participants
Participants |
Emil Knabe |
Jakob Kaths |
Diego Sanchez |
Ahmed Sadek |
TOP | Topic | Status |
1 | Meeting minutes storage/handling | |
2 | Projects roadmap - Kickoffs | |
3 | XML Maintenance working mode | |
4 | TSC report |
Generated by AI. Be sure to check for accuracy. Meeting notes:
**Handling Meeting Minutes: ** Diego proposed closing old meeting minutes issues and keeping only the latest active ones to avoid clutter in the repository. Jakob and Emil agreed with this approach.
**Meeting Minutes Storage Options: ** Diego mentioned the need to investigate different options for storing meeting minutes, such as using a wiki, a dedicated branch. He emphasized the importance of having all information in one place and promised to present options for the group to decide.
**XML Maintenance Project: ** Diego discussed the approach for handling XML maintenance issues, suggesting that the CCB could allocate time during meetings to review and merge minor fixes. Jakob agreed that quicker merging is preferable to big integration.
Group Involvement: Diego mentioned that the CCB could invite individuals responsible for specific changes to present their work during the meetings. This would facilitate discussions and decisions on whether to merge the proposed changes.
Future Steps: Diego stated that the approach for handling XML maintenance issues would be officially defined in the next TSC meeting. Until then, both approaches (handling within the CCB and separate projects) remain open.
**Project Roadmap: ** It was discussed the option to schedule one combine initial meetings for the parking lots, constructions, and traffic participants projects. They considered having a joint kickoff meeting for these projects due to overlapping participants.
Separate Kickoff Meetings: Separate Doodles will be created and sent to all the enrolled participants.
**TSC Report Preparation: ** Diego informed the team ASAM will prepare a TSC report for the next meeting in April, which will include the project roadmap and budget. He mentioned that the information must be submitted by next week.
Follow-up tasks:
- Meeting Minutes Management: Investigate different options for managing meeting minutes, including using a wiki, dedicated branch, or project in GitHub, and present these options at the next CCB meeting. (ASAM)
- Project Kickoffs: Send out Doodle polls and organize separate kickoff meetings for the parking lots, constructions, and traffic participant projects to maintain focus and avoid convoluted discussions. (ASAM)
- TSC Report Preparation: Prepare the TSC report for the next week, including project approvals, budget needs, and roadmaps, and submit it by Friday. (ASAM)