OffroadCondition clarification
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For us some aspects regarding the general meaning and the evaluation of the OffroadCondition are unclear.
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The OpenSCENARIO V1.2.0 Model Documentation mentioned that the OffroadCondition "Checks if an entity is of[f] the road. The logical expression returns true after the entity has been offroad for a specific duration." However, I cannot find any specification on the reference point of the entity used to evaluate whether the entity is off the road or not.
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- So my basic question is which reference point should be used for the evaluation whether an entity is offroad. For me two cases would make sense: Either one could use the entity's origin or the entity's bounding box e.g. as it can be used for the DistanceCondition with the freespace parameter.
- Furthermore, I have another question regarding the general meaning of the term offroad: Do non-drivable lanes have any effect on the condition. E.g. is a vehicle on a side-walk considered to be offroad?
Thank you very much for your help in advance!