Unclear which distance is meant by TraveledDistanceCondition
Dear ASAM,
TraveledDistanceCondition "becomes true after the triggering entity/entities have traveled the given distance". Should TeleportActions influence the traveled distance? And is the traveled distance calculated from the beginning of the simulation before the InitActions are performed, or from directly after the InitActions are performed, or from the first time that the TraveledDistanceCondition is evaluated? In the latter case, a TraveledDistanceCondition could occur in the start trigger of an Event, but if that event is encompassed by an Act that has a SimulationTimeCondition that starts at some time after the simulation starts, then the first evaluation of the TraveledDistanceCondition occurs after a vehicle has had the opportunity to move already.
Kind regards, Harmen Wierenga Software developer Prescan Siemens DISW