Bounding box for fog unclear
It seems the annotation to the BoundingBox property of the Fog class in the Model Documentation v1.1 requires a refinement. Currently, it states: "Dimensions and center of fog in fixed coordinates."
Question is raised, what kind of "fix coordinates" is meant and in what coordinate system? The World one or else?
As well, the annotation to the BoundingBox class refers to an Entity. The Center property refers "to the coordinate system of the Entity (e.g. the vehicle coordinate system)". However, when talking about the Fog class, an Entity cannot be a referent because the Fog is defined globally. In fact, in the Fog context, the BoundingBox would define dimensions of a foggy area and its geometrical center in world coordinates.
IMHO, it would be desired to refine explicitly in what coordinate system the Center (x,y,z) of the Fog's BoundingBox should be defined. As well, the current annotation of the Center class doesn't specify X/Y/Z units. Would they be "meters"? Maybe, it would be worth refining the annotation of the BoundingBox class to make it fit for re-usage (not only in the Vehicle context).