Dependency of OSC actor positions to road network files
Describe the problem
As we all know OpenSCENARIO (OSC) files are used as coupled with the road network files (OpenDRIVE). Basically, entity positions must be defined as compatible with the OpenDRIVE file. If we want to use an OSC file with a different road network, then it is required to update positioning fields since the road/lane IDs or world coordinates are different in the new road network. This situation blocks OSC to define a scenario description by itself.
Describe what you have already tried
It is a bit easier when a lane or road (and their relative version) coordinate system is used. Then the only master entity's object needs to be adjusted for the new road network. But this process becomes really complex when the world coordinate system is used. The user should view the new road network and place entities one by one.
Describe your research
It might be possible to create a mechanism does coordinates transformations from one road network to another but this requires parsing the OpenDRIVE file and I don't think that it should be a part of the OSC standard.
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I think this topic should be discussed in the working group to find possible solutions. Either working on making OSC more independent from the road networks or find a way to make this process easier than it is at the moment.