How to migrate LaneChangeAction with AbsoluteTargetLane
The standard does not specify how a LaneChangeAction with an AbsoluteTargetLane can be migrated from osc1 to osc2 using change_lane() . There is a specialized change_lane() action which contains a target parameter of type lane (struct) but this struct cannot be used to refer to a specific lane (for example lane of an imported road network) by id.
The migration chapter has the following example for a LaneChangeAction with a RelativeTargetLane:
lead_vehicle.change_lane(target: lane(left_of: target_blocking), rate_profile: smooth, rate_peak: lateral_velocity_vy, duration: 5s)
where instead of an lane (struct) argument a lane(modifier) is used instead. Is it allowed to use lane modifiers in such way? Examples that use modifiers always use them with the "with" extension of an action but never as parameters in actions/functions.