Expressions needed for "Stochastics Constraints from OSC1.1"
Expressions needed for "Stochastics Constraints from OSC1.1" Need expressions for describing:
1) ProbabilityDistributionSet with a probability given value and weight (or weighted probability).
2) NormalDistribution with a given: expected mean value, variance (stdev), min and max.
3) UniformDistribution with a given: min and max.
4) PoissonDistribution with a given: expected value, min and max.
5) Histogram with a given: binName, weight (or weighted probability) and min and max.
Describe the feature
Describe the solution you would like
keep( parameterName == probability with:
prob(value, weight)
prob(value, weight)
prob(value, weight)
prob(value, weight))
keep( parameterName == normal with:
keep( parameterName == uniform with: range(min, max) )
keep( parameterName == poisson with:
range(min, max))
keep( parameterName == histogram with:
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max)))
Syntax Proposal 1
Add to <keyword> : 'probability', 'normal', 'uniform', 'poisson', 'histogram', 'prob', 'expected_value', 'variance', 'bin'
Add the following syntax:
<probability-expression> ::= 'prob''('<value>',' <weight>')'
<expected-value-expression> ::= 'expected_value''('<mean>')'
<variance-expression> ::= 'variance''('<stdev>')'
<bin-expression> ::= 'bin''('<bin-identifier>, <weight>, <range>')'
<weight> :: = <number> #
<mean> ::= <number> #
<stdev> ::= <number> #
<with-declaration-for-stochastics> ::= 'with'':'
<with-member-for-stochastics> ::= <probability-expression> | <expected-value-expression>
| <variance-expression> | <bin-expression>
Respect This from Types Group:
<constraint-expression>::= (<bool-expression> [<bool-implication>]) | <stochastic-expression>
<bool-implication>::= '=>' <bool-expression>
<stochastic-expression> :: = <probability-constraint> | <normal-distribution-constraint> | <uniform-distribution-constraint>
| <poisson-distribution-constraint> | <histogram-constraint>
<probability-constraint> ::= <parameter-name> '==' 'probability' <with-declaration-for-stochastics>
#NOTE: Use <probability-expression> as <with-member-for-stochastics>
<normal-distribution-constraint> ::= <parameter-name> '==' 'normal' <with-declaration-for-stochastics>
#NOTE: Use <expected-value-expression>, <variance-expression>, <range> as <with-member-for-stochastics>
<uniform-distribution-constraint> ::= <parameter-name> '==' 'uniform' <with-declaration-for-stochastics>
#NOTE: Use <range> as <with-member-for-stochastics>
<poisson-distribution-constraint> ::= <parameter-name> '==' 'poisson' <with-declaration-for-stochastics>
#NOTE: Use <expected-value-expression>, <range> as <with-member-for-stochastics>
<histogram-constraint> ::= <parameter-name> '==' 'histogram' <with-declaration-for-stochastics>
#NOTE: Use <bin-expression> as <with-member-for-stochastics>
Create these as examples:
(<parameter-name> '==' <value>) | (<parameter-name> '>=' <value>) | (<parameter-name> '<=' <value>)
| (<parameter-name> '>' <value>) | (<parameter-name> '<' <value>)
| (<parameter-name> 'Undefined') | (<parameter-name> 'Abstract') | (<parameter-name> '==' 'None')
Create Examples for Stochastic Constraints, as above with numbers:
keep( parameterName == probability with:
prob(value, weight)
prob(value, weight)
prob(value, weight)
prob(value, weight))
keep( parameterName == normal with:
keep( parameterName == uniform with: range(min, max) )
keep( parameterName == poisson with:
range(min, max))
keep( parameterName == histogram with:
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max))
bin(binName, weight, range(min, max)))
Vote: Accept Proposal 1
Yes-3-(Rich Heidtman, Rolf Magnus, Tjark Koopmann)
NOTE: Should be revisited in 2.1 for possible corrections.
Describe alternatives you have considered
Describe the backwards compatibility
This is desired for compatibility with OpenSCENARIO v1.1.
This may require use of sample() to define numberOfTestRuns and weither or not use a randomSeed.
Note: randomSeed is optional in OpenSCENARIO 1.1.0 and this should be integer (there is an error with this currently being double).